EP 195: My Notes From The $120k Mastermind I just attended. Was It Worth It?

In today’s episode, I am talking about the need to be around people who push you to grow. You will get to know insights coming straight from a room full of billionaires and the ones who made it happen. 

This episode has got everything from working smart and investing in yourself to overcoming common focus traps and building effective teams. 

To start executing successfully and growing everyday, tune in now!

Show highlights include: 

  • Do you invest in yourself? [02:34]

  • Being in a room full of masterminds [06:53]

  • The importance of being with the right leader [08:34]

  • Discover what makes team communication effective [13:14]

  • Are you saying yes to all the good ideas at once? [15:33]

  • This can help you be a better version of yourself [19:25]

  • These strategies can help you focus [25:20]

  • This is the path to successful execution [34:38]

Download your FREE Year End Personal Audit Workbook

Welcome to *The Making of a DM Podcast*, where real estate, entrepreneurship, and deal making collide. Hosted by Mark Evans DM — the "DM" stands for Deal Maker — a 12X bestselling author, serial entrepreneur, and family man, this podcast offers you a front-row seat to the strategies and mindset that help entrepreneurs scale their businesses for maximum profitability and freedom. Mark’s journey began in the blue-collar world, running a gutter business before transitioning into real estate, where he flipped over 5000 deals. Now, as the owner of multiple successful businesses, Mark shares the lessons he’s learned along the way to financial independence. Whether you're flipping properties, building business empires, or seeking ways to stop trading time for money, this podcast will show you how to level up your business and your life. 

 Check out these resources: 

- Who Is Mark Evans DM?: [Learn More] (https://www.markevansdm.com/who-is-mark)
- Follow Mark on Instagram: [@markevansdm] (https://www.instagram.com/markevansdm/
- Grab Mark’s book, *Magician Vs. Mule*: [Get Your Copy] (https://vip.markevansdm.com/book-offer
- Want to be part of the Deal Maker Alliance? [Join Now] (https://vip.markevansdm.com/dma
- Free Masterclass: Get Mark’s Business Buying Blueprint: [Sign Up] (https://vip.markevansdm.com/masterclass)


EP 196: Feeling Defeated? Here's What I Do To Get Out As Fast As Possible ...


EP 194: $10,000,000 In The Bank... NOW WHAT? The Biggest Lie We Tell Ourselves!