Where I'm going to personally help you take your business to $1,000,000+ a year in net revenue...
Take a look at the picture to the left…
One pic is of me, in 1996 standing next to my first truck (the red one).
The other pic, is earlier this year, standing in front of just a few of the cars I have now.
I not showing this to impress you... I'm showing this to PROVE to you what can happen to your business when you make the right connections.
Take a look at the picture above…
One pic is of me, in 1996 standing next to my first truck (the red one).
The other pic, is earlier this year, standing in front of just a few of the cars I have now.
I not showing this to impress you... I'm showing this to PROVE to you what can happen to your business when you make the right connections.
Let me introduce myself.
My name is Mark Evans DM.
I'm a 45-year-old owner husband, father of 2, and owner of multiple businesses.
... I didn't come from money.
... I didn't go to the Wharton School of Business.
... And as you'll soon see my spelling is on a 4th grade level. (I'm serious)
I actually grew up in a trailer park outside of Columbus, Ohio.
Every day, I saw my family struggle with money.
This is why, when I was 16, I decided to do whatever it took to make enough money to not just help my family out -- but live like the people we saw when we watched "The Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous."
... this sound familiar?
That meant I needed to make money -- and a lot of it.
Now, no job out there paid what I wanted to make, so I did what entrepreneurs like you, and I do ...
... I started my own business.
At 18 years old I bought a small seamless gutter company (with zero experience and $2,000 down) & started fixing up homes in my neighborhood.
I quickly transitioned from fixing gutters ... to fixing up homes.
Fast forward 24 years & I've flipped thousands of properties all over the country (most of which I've never stepped foot in... which I'll explain later.)
During that time, I also launched an online media company which is closing in on the 8-figure per year mark.
I built an e-commerce company that recently had its first million-dollar week.
I own/owned numerous other businesses & have an equity stake in others from art collections, F&B, alternative energy, supplements, & so on.
... and I've sold a few companies as well for some hefty payouts too.
Now, I know what you're thinking...
You're thinking that I'm some crazy "genius" who never sleeps & has Red Bull or coffee running through his veins.
The reality is there are a lot of guys out there much smarter than me... & to be brutally honest last night I passed out in the theater room with my son, Mark, watching "The Incredibles" for the 6th time this week.
What allows me to run multiple companies, & make 20X's what others are making, is I understand the mechanics of a profitable business.
This is the reason why only 1/10th of a percent of all businesses make any REAL money.
Knowing these mechanics is what separates the guy grossing $300,000 a year who pretends to be rich, from the guy netting $10,000,000+ per year and is actually rich.
IMPORTANT: It does NOT matter what business you are in ... the mechanics are the same.

What does this have to do with you?
Well, I've decided to create a Private Facebook Group, where I'll share exactly what I learned over the past 24+ years of running multiple high-profit companies, in dozens of niches, with minimal personal time -- and how any business owner can apply these same mechanics to their business for rapid, sustained growth.
I call this group... The Deal Maker Alliance
What does this have to do with you?
Well, I've decided to create a Private Facebook Group, where I'll share exactly what I learned over the past 24+ years of running multiple high-profit companies, in dozens of niches, with minimal personal time -- and how any business owner can apply these same mechanics to their business for rapid, sustained growth.
I call this group...
The Deal Maker Alliance
Scale your business to 7-8 figures per year.
Increase net profits.
… all while cutting back the amount of time you spend working in your business.
Not 1-in-1,000,000 people know what I'm about to share with you .... but you will inside the group.

Inside the Deal Maker Alliance I'm going to show you how to:
Create a product and generate $1,000,000 in a year or less.
Scale any business by hiring "A+ Players" who pay for themselves (I'll even show you where to hire them. This strategy is a game changer that will grow your business without you being present.)
Flip apartment buildings for 6-7 figures per deal - the right way!
Create multiple cashflow streams which is the secret to staying rich for life. It's called the "ABL" formula.
The "Blueprint" to automate your business so everything doesn't rely on you. (This is how I "run" multiple multi-million dollar per year companies ... from home or anywhere in the world)
Mindset (not the boring shit ... I’m talking about how to rewire your brain for massive growth in wealth, health, and relationships.)
Build your company to sell for a huge exit. (I'll even personally introduce you to some VC's who may buy it on the spot)
I'll show where I park my money to earn 5% to 4200%. (Disclaimer: I'm not a financial advisor but I will show you exactly what I do, where I put it, and why.)
Raise amazing kids while growing successful businesses at the same time. Hint: it's got nothing to do with "balance"
Why you need to be investing at least 5-figures per month in your marketing! I'll show you where to market and how to get started with a couple bucks a day.
Gain access to my "Secret Banker."
Get my "Million Dollar BlackBook" with my direct connections. Want high-end watches? I got you covered. You need a yacht? I got you covered. Need a private jet? Got you covered. Need a new exotic car? Got you covered. Need help on minimizing your tax liabilities? Got you covered. Need a fiduciary to help YOU build and grow your life? Got you covered. These connections are priceless.
Insider Alerts on investments I’m working on and why… crypto, NFTs, Real Estate, cars, guns, Art, & F&B to name a few.
Grow and profit from your social media… even if you have no followers and "nothing to share"
Use your current email contacts to make millions sitting on a beach or in your backyard.
Raise millions of dollars LEGALLY for your next acquisition -- real estate or business.
Access to Private Lenders with very deep pockets.
Wholesale 4-5 deals a month virtually without ever stepping foot in a home or talking to a seller.
Control millions of dollars of real estate without ever using your credit or cash.
Set your children up financially for life WITHOUT worrying about them becoming entitled brats or destroying their lives.
Dominate your industry by scaling with acquisition.
Identify and drive core values to build revenue, culture, and a team that drives the company forward.
And much more.
I left my favorite part of the Deal Maker Alliance for last...
Besides getting everything I laid out above & live videos from me every Wednesday...
You're also going to "rub shoulders" with high-level business owners from all over the country.
From Real Estate Moguls ... to E-Commerce Millionaires ... to guys who sold their companies and are looking to invest their money (or even partner up on their next project...)
The Deal Maker Alliance is the only networking group you will need to take your business and life to levels you can't even imagine.
Million-dollar deals will go down in this group on a consistent basis.
I guarantee it.
I can guarantee it because I'm always looking for more business opportunities, real estate deals, private lending (I could bankroll you), acquisitions, strategic partnerships/JVs ... to create more cashflow streams and parlay my earnings.
Members of this group will also meet up once per year (yes, in person) at an undisclosed location for a couple of days to talk shop, & new opportunities, & put a face with the name.
My events are second to none -- you'll see.
Well, before you say anything, I have 3 non-negotiables:
You need to own a business that makes a minimum of $100,000 per year.
You need to show up to our live calls every Wednesday.
Lastly, you need to put up a fully-refundable $1,000 deposit with your application.
Why a deposit?
We just don't have the time to talk to anyone who's just "curious."
And I've found the best way to separate the talkers from the do-ers is to ask them to put up a little bit of money.
If someone won't put up a fully refundable $1,000 that doesn't lock them into anything ... this ain't for them, I promise.
After all, they got nothing to lose.

If you're accepted - you get the money back.
If you're not accepted - you get the money back…
If you don't want to work with me - you get the money back.
Now, if I do accept you into the group, and want to join, there is a monthly membership due to be a part of the DM Alliance, I'll tell you how much it is when we talk on the phone.
Its pennies compared to the $5,000,000+ I've spent on mentors, consultations, and masterminds over the past 24+ years.
You're getting the same proven tactics and strategies for nowhere near what I had to pay, and you're getting my guidance with them along with access to my personal team.
Look, you'll never see me sell books, courses, or coaching in this group.
There will be no upsells.
Everything will happen within this group
The Deal Maker Alliance is the ultimate place for entrepreneurs & investors who want to scale their company while working less, & creating multiple streams of income that pay them consistent & reliable cashflow.

What’s next?
Click the ‘JOIN NOW’ button at the bottom of this page & enter your name, email, & cell for my system.
You'll then be taken to a page where you'll put down your $1,000 fully-refundable deposit.
Immediately afterwards I'll send you an email with a questionnaire so I can see what business you're in & what issues you're facing at the moment.
Within 48 hours we'll reach out to you directly and set up a time to talk 1-on-1.
We'll have our questions ready for you... so please have your questions ready too.
Sound good? Hell ya it does!
Look if this doesn't give you goosebumps, I don't know what to tell you.
You're a few clicks away from a whole new world.
I've been doing this longer than most of these "furus" (fake online gurus) have been alive ... and I still get excited each & every morning for what's out there.
Hell, maybe that's just me though (even though if you're still reading this, I got a feeling you're like that too).
Anyways, click the button below & let's talk.
I promise you've never seen anything like what I'm about to show you.