The one mistake keeping you from 7-figures

Alright, let’s cut straight to it.

If you’re out here trying to build that million-dollar empire overnight, I got news for you: you’re doing it all wrong. The truth is, most people are so obsessed with hitting the big numbers, they forget about the small steps that actually get them there. Everyone wants the fireworks, but no one’s willing to strike the match.

And here’s the kicker: if you can’t master the basics, you’ll never see those big wins. It’s like trying to build a house without laying the foundation first. What’s gonna happen? That sucker’s coming down the minute a little storm hits.

Let me share a little something with you...

Why the Basics Matter More Than You Think

There’s this misconception that success is some kind of magic formula or a secret hack only the rich know about. But let’s be real—those folks you admire who are making millions? They’ve just gotten really good at doing the simple stuff consistently.

Think about it. If you’re learning to play the piano, you don’t jump straight into playing Beethoven. Nah, you start with the scales. You repeat those bad boys over and over until they’re second nature. Business is no different.

But here’s the problem: most people don’t want to put in the work. They want to skip the scales and go straight to playing at Carnegie Hall. But that’s not how it works, my friend.

You’ve gotta learn how to master the $1 deals before you can start closing the $1,000,000 ones.

The Real Game: Focus on What’s in Front of You

I get it. It’s easy to get caught up in the shiny stuff—dreaming about your future mansion, that yacht, or taking first-class trips to Bora Bora. But you’ve got to keep your eyes on the present moment. What can you do TODAY to move the needle?

Let’s say you want to make a million dollars. You know where it starts? Making your first $100. And you know how you do that? By getting really, really good at the process.

Forget about the million-dollar mark for a second and focus on the small, actionable steps that you can take today. That’s how you start stacking those wins.

Consistency Over Perfection

Listen, the people who win big aren’t the ones who wait for everything to be perfect. Nope. The real winners are the ones who show up every damn day, even when they’re tired, even when things are messy, even when it feels like nothing is working. They know that success isn’t about hitting a grand slam every time you step up to bat. It’s about getting on base consistently.

Perfection is just another excuse to procrastinate. You don’t need perfect—you need progress.

The Secret to Stacking Wins

Here’s something no one likes to admit: if you can’t manage a $1,000 business, you sure as hell aren’t going to manage a $100,000 one. So if you want to get to that million-dollar level, start with mastering what’s right in front of you.

Here’s a little game plan:

  1. Get Clear on Your Daily Actions: If you don’t know what you need to do today, you’re already behind. Make a list, and stick to it.

  2. Embrace the Small Wins: Did you make that first sale? Did you send that follow-up email? Celebrate it! Those small wins compound over time.

  3. Focus on the Process, Not the Prize: Stop stressing about the million-dollar outcome. Focus on mastering the steps that will get you there.

  4. Be Consistent, Not Perfect: Show up every single day, even when it’s hard, even when you don’t feel like it. That’s where the magic happens.

Why Most People Quit Before the Breakthrough

Here’s the sad truth: most people quit just when they’re on the verge of a breakthrough. It’s like digging for gold, hitting a rock, and thinking, “Oh well, guess there’s nothing here,” when just an inch deeper is that gold vein you’ve been searching for.

The key is to keep your feet moving. Consistency breeds success. But only if you stick with it long enough to see the results.

Remember, you’re not trying to leap tall buildings in a single bound. You’re laying bricks. One by one. And eventually, you’ll look up and realize you’ve built something incredible.

Final Thoughts

Stop focusing on the flashy finish line and start focusing on each step you take to get there. The real winners? They’re not the ones chasing the finish line—they’re the ones who are obsessed with mastering the game, one play at a time.

So, what’s your next move? Don’t just dream about it—execute. The million-dollar payday will come, but only if you focus on stacking those wins, one day at a time.


Why perfection nearly killed my first business


The real reason you’re not making millions yet